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Bio //

Born in Melbourne, Australia
Lives & works in Melbourne, Australia

After Effects CC 2018

Premiere Pro CC 2018

Photoshop CC 2018

Illustrator CC 2018

InDesign CC 2018

Clients  //

Australian Bridal Service


Australia Post (Postage Stamps)


City of Casey


City of Greater Dandenong


Clockwork Media


Cynthia Briggs Bridal Couture


Davis Langdon Architects


GN Netcom


Hume City Council


Mazzolino Di Fiori


McKenzie Group Consulting


Nano Technology


National Foods (Big M)




VRC (Melbourne Cup)

Awards & Achievements  //

2009 Desktop Create Awards


Digital Media Category 

'Hume City Council Interactive Annual Report' 

– 2nd Runner-up 



2009 Desktop Create Awards


Animation Category 

'Hume City Council TVC for Channel 31'
– Shortlisted top 6 



2009 Desktop Create Awards


Multimedia Category

'Hume City Council Branding'
– Shortlisted top 8

2009, 2008 and 2007 

Australasian Reporting Awards

'Hume City Council Annual Report'

– Gold Award, 3 consecutive years



2009 Municipal Association Victoria

MAV Awards
'Hume City Council Interactive Annual Report' 

– State-wide winner (VIC)



2007 Australian Marketing Institute 

AMI Awards

‘Innovation Award for Hume City Council's Branding’ 

– State (VIC) winner

2009 Outstanding Employee of the Year Award

Hume City Council, 1,500 employees

– Runner up 



2009 Outstanding Team of the Year Award

Hume City Council

Marketing & Communications Department

– Runner up



2009 Innovation Award
Hume City Council, 1,500 employees

– Runner up

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